Boating season is a little different this year. Here are some things to keep in mind during the pandemic. It’s summertime, and we all know what that means. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a deep sea fishing kind of boater, the summer sun usually goes hand in hand with spending the day out on the water. However, this summer…
Here at BOATsmart! we like to keep things fresh and relevant; always looking to help our customers optimize their outdoor pursuits, especially on the water. We’ve launched our new platform,…
Boating is a great way to pass the time, get outdoors and soak in what Canada’s lakes and waterways have to offer. However, given the current world-wide health pandemic many…
The first time I went boating it was a small group of family friends in Muskoka, Ontario and we were having the perfect getaway weekend. We enjoyed sun-drenched weather all…
While recently boating throughout the many lakes and wonderful lock system of the Kawarthas, I was reminded of how critical it is to not just know how to appropriately operate…
In a previous blog we talked about wearing a kill-switch, eliminating the possibility of being hit by a boat or PWC, or struck by a spinning engine propeller if the driver is ejected. If the operator is thrown from the boat, the kill-switch is unplugged and the boat’s engine is disabled. We’ve had several questions come in regarding standard lanyard-style…
This weekend, boaters in southern Ontario, Canada were rattled by two fatal boating collisions. In both incidents, there were boats involved that were not displaying their night-time navigation lights, making…
Planning ahead and having the right boat safety equipment on board before going boating can make for a safer and more enjoyable boat trip.
Find a Lifejacket That ACTUALLY Fits This Boating Season!
Protecting Your Boating Children This Summer is About More Than SPF 50+ Life Jackets and Adult Supervision…