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Lost or Damaged West Virginia Boater Education Certificate? BOATsmart! issues official West Virginia Boater Education Certificate replacements. Replace your Boater Education Certificate and purchase additional copies for back-up.
If your West Virginia Boater Education Certificate has been lost or destroyed, you can easily purchase replacement copies from BOATsmart!. Login to your BOATsmart! Online account to order, or call 1-877-655-7778. Once you’ve placed your order, it takes about 4 weeks for your new cards to arrive in the mail. If you need proof of course completion immediately, you can login to your BOATsmart account to print a temporary card.
Boaters caught operating without a West Virginia Boater Education Card will face a fine of up to $1000.
By purchasing more than one copy of your West Virginia Boater Education Certificate, you can ensure that you always have back-ups available. Keep one in your wallet, one on the boat and one for safe keeping.
Certified operators who obtained their West Virginia Boater Education Certificate through a course provider other than BOATsmart! will need to contact their original course provider for a replacement.
West Virginia DNR
324 Fourth Ave
South Charleston, WV 25303
The official BOATsmart! West Virginia Boating Safety Course is approved by the West Virginia DNR, the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and recognized by the US Coast Guard.
BOATsmart! has provided online boating safety education across North America since 2013. Our courses are designed and developed by real boaters, subject matter experts and instructional design educators. We’ve certified more than 650,000 boaters online and are proud to be the choice of boaters from coast-to-coast.